
Nouvelles / News

Special situation regarding your Canadian royalties for the years 2021 and prior (2014-2020)

As we have announced to you on several occasions, in 2022 Re:Sound* replaced its distribution system, which, in July 2022, resulted in a partial payment of your Canadian royalties for the 2021 broadcast year by Artisti.
In October 2022, every Re:Sound member societies finally received the first royalty distribution of 2021 through this new system and Artisti is currently working to reconcile the payments received from Re:Sound with the partial payments made in July 2022. This reconciliation, however, highlighted that we had not received from Re:Sound all the sums that we should have received for certain tracks or certain members. It is for this reason that we have not yet proceeded to distribute the remaining sums (which represent less than 10% of the total) for the 2021 broadcast year: we want to make sure beforehand that we have received from Re:Sound all amounts due to members of Artisti via this new distribution system.

With regard to the payment of royalties related to years of broadcast prior to 2021, and for those of our members who have not already received their royalties due to them for these years, a distinction must be made according to the years of broadcast:

  • Years 2014-2016: these years being already closed to claims, we should receive from Re:Sound the last amounts of royalties to be paid to our members by the end of the year 2023, and we will make sure to distribute them as soon as possible in 2024;
  • Years 2017-2020: With respect to the payment for these broadcast years, we are dependent on the Re:Sound distribution schedule. Due to the complete renewal of its distribution system and the inherent delay in the implementation of such a project, we have been informed that the payment of the royalties for the years prior to 2021 will take place after the complete payment of the royalties of 2021 and that it is therefore to be expected that this will not be before 2024.

Please note that this situation is valid for all Re:Sound member societies.

Re:Sound is the Canadian collecting society that collects equitable remuneration royalties for performers and producers. As such, it is mandated by the Canadian collective societies members (Actra RACS, Artisti, Connect, MROC, Soproq) to collect royalties from the music services, and distribute it to the societies members.