
Personal Data Privacy Policy - Artisti

At ARTISTI, we pay particular attention to the protection of the personal information of our members. The purpose of this personal data privacy policy (hereinafter, the “Privacy Policy”) is to inform you on how we use your personal data, as part of your membership in our collective management society, as well as the rights you have over your data.

According to the Act respecting the Protection of Personal Information in the Private Sector, as well as the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), which protect your personal information in Quebec and Canada (hereinafter together, the “Law“), ARTISTI is responsible for the personal information of its members that it collects, uses and transfers as part of its activity. You will find below the information concerning the modalities according to which ARTISTI processes your personal data.

1. Personal information collected and purposes

What personal information are we collecting?

A personal information refers to any information that identifies you as a person. When you register, and throughout your membership, you provide us with several of your personal information, such as: name, first name, postal address, phone number, email, birthdate, gender, SAN or NEQ number (if applicable), UDA identification number (if applicable), information on your performances, musical group to which you belong, pseudonym, financial information, citizenship, country of tax residence, information on estate (if applicable), name of the entity receiving payments (if applicable) and any other information that you share with ARTISTI as part of your written communications, by mail, email and / or telephone. We are also generating identification numbers such as your SIGART identification number and your IPN number.

For what purposes are we collecting your personal information?

We are collecting your personal information in order to:

  • offer you our collective management services, and in particular in order to collect and redistribute the royalties that may be owed to you for the exploitation of your performances in Canada and abroad for which you have assigned your rights to ARTISTI, according to your membership agreement;
  • grant licenses to users;
  • manage our repertoire of performances;
  • inform you about our news, upcoming events, and communications;
  • respect our legal obligations.

2. Recipients of the data collected

Internally, the ARTISTI team has access to your personal data, in order to enable it to perform ARTISTI’s missions of collecting and distributing your royalties. In this context, your personal data may also be sent to the following recipients:

  • To our subcontractors, and in particular for: hosting, maintenance, our IT infrastructure, sending our newsletters, and issuing royalty payments and tax statements;
  • To our partners with whom we are likely to work to perform our services, and in particular, , with (the following list not being exhaustive) :
  1. Foreign collecting societies with which we have concluded agreements for the collection of your international royalties, and whose list you can find on our website https://www.artisti.ca;
  2. SCAPR (Societies’ Council for the Collective Management of Performers’ Rights) which manages the databases IPD (International Performers Database) and VRDB (Virtual Recording Database) in order to facilitate the identification of performers and the management of royalties with foreign societies;
  3. Other Canadian societies in charge of the collective management of performers’ rights.
  • To public bodies, when this is prescribed by law.

We make sure that all the recipients of your personal data comply with adequate security and confidentiality measures. Please be aware that your personal data will never be disclosed to third parties for commercial or advertising purposes.

3. Data hosting

Your personal data are kept and stored on servers located in Canada.

In performing our services, your data may be transferred to servers located in foreign countries, and may thus be subject to foreign regulations and be transmitted to foreign authorities on the basis of these regulations.

4. Rights over your personal data

Subject to the exceptions provided for by the Law, you have the following rights over your personal data:

  • Right of access: you can ask us to confirm the existence of the personal information we have about you, and ask us to communicate them to you;
  • Right of rectification: you can submit a request for rectification of your personal information to us, when you consider that this information is inaccurate, incomplete or ambiguous concerning you, or if its collection, communication or conservation are not authorized by the Law.

To exercise these rights, you can send us a request by contacting us at the contact details below. In that respect, you will have to establish your identity and in which capacity you act and to respect the conditions of implementation of the Law. Delays for responding to your requests are those prescribed by the Law.

5. Security measures

We have taken organizational and technical measures to preserve the integrity, security and confidentiality of your personal data, and in particular the establishment of access to databases by authentication, the limitation of access to our offices and the securing of physical storage locations.

6. Cookies

Cookies are files that make it possible to record visits of a web user on a website. We only use technical cookies when you browse our website to make it easier and perform certain functions. A technical cookie can, for example, be used to remember your responses entered in a form or your preferences regarding the language or presentation of an application, when such options are available.

We remind you that you can object to the use of cookies by configuring your browser, such configuration could however prevent the proper functioning of our website.

7. Conservation period

We keep your personal information for as long as necessary to enable us to provide our services to you, as well as to process royalties relating to sound recordings in which you have participated, or as long as it is required by law.

8. Modification

We reserve our right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time, and such changes will take effect upon posting of the new version of the Privacy Policy on our website. You will be informed of these changes by any means whatsoever at our disposal.

9. Contact details

We hope that this Privacy Policy has answered your expectations and possible questions. For all inquiries, access to your personal data or rectification, or for any questions or complaints, please contact us at the following contact details:

Société de gestion collective de l’Union des artistes inc. (ARTISTI)

5445, De Gaspé avenue, suite 1005, Montreal (Quebec) H2T 3B2, Canada

Phone : +1 514 288 6682

Email : info@artisti.ca


Last update : 16/06/2020